Saturday, November 1, 2008

The beginning...

My first post on this blog! I have finally sat down and made an actual post to this blog. Not the posts that I have started many times, for months now, that I would like to make, but a real typed out post. I figured today was a great day to start for two reasons. For one, it is the first of November, marking day 1 of NaBloPoMo, and what better motivation to start a new blog, than to start it in the month where you are supposed to post everyday to your blog?! The other, is that finally our garden has been dug-up and tilled, ready to be planted come spring, as soon as the ground is warm enough. I am so looking forward to that fresh start in a few months, our biggest step towards living more sustainably. I am also ready to take on some work that will take me out of the house a bit more, and even better, with all of us working together. We have set out for our garden a rather large plot of land (15' x 30'), and it won't easily be a one-person garden next season.

Until the next gardening season though, I'm hoping to take more time to prepare our own foods, using sustainable ingredients, as a family. I'm looking forward to sharing our ideas, recipes, and resources with you.



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